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Systemische Interventionen  und Narrative Methoden

mit dem Begründer Prof. Karl Tomm

Dieser therapeutische Zugang stellt das „Gemeinschaftliche“ anstelle des „Hierarchischen“ in den Vordergrund und hebt den Sinn therapeutischer Konversation hervor, Probleme zu dekonstruieren und Heilung sowie Gesundung zu co-konstruieren.

Dr. Tomm ist einer der führenden Fachautoren zum Thema Familientherapie und Herausgeber zahlreicher einschlägiger Publikationen.

Systemische Interventionen und Narrative Methoden


Interventive Interviewing

Interventive Interviewing and Reflexive Questioning

The specific questions that a consultant asks during the course of professional interviews are not neutral or innocent. They may arise from different intentions and may have differential consequences. For instance, they can have enabling and generative effects on clients and customers, or have constraining effects. Dr. Tomm has developed a classification of four major categories of questions, which are based on differing interviewer intentions and that are liable to have substantially different effects on interviewees. This classification and the differences among these questions will be outlined in this presentation. One particularly interesting group of questions, namely “reflexive questions”, will be discussed in greater detail since they tend to open space for constructive alternatives and spontaneous change.

Participants will be invited to practice formulating and asking these kinds of questions in simulated interviews.

Interviewing the Internalized Other

A specific therapeutic technique of internalized other interviewing has been elaborated by Dr Tomm during the past several years.

It is based on a social constructionist perspective in which “a person” as a self conscious individual is seen to arise through social interaction. If a consultant is able to apply this perspective and conceive of “the self” as constituted by an internalized community, it becomes coherent to interview another person as an “internalized other” within the self. As a result, the possibilities for systemic intervention for personal change may be significantly extended.

This presentation will begin with an overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of internalized other interviewing. Parts of a videotape of an actual clinical interview will be used to demonstrate the method with a mother, whose symptomatic daughter refused to attend a family therapy session. It illustrates how an interpersonal systemic approach may be used in therapy with individuals and have beneficial effects for the individual, her relationships and significant others. The application of this technique in conjoint work with couples and families, where individuals may meet their “distributed self”, will also be described.

Alternative Ethical Postures

Alternative Ethical Postures that a Change Agent May Adopt

Professionals are usually expected to influence individual clients, family systems, or organizations to facilitate constructive change. The specific approach adopted by a professional to have such an influence can have different effects on the other party and on the relationship between the professional and that party. Dr Tomm has developed a framework of four contrasting ethical postures that support different patterns of decision making by professionals in selecting interventions to try to influence others.

This framework will be presented and discussed along with some means one could use to guide one’s own professional development to work more consistently from a preferred ethical stance. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own patterns of intervening in their work and become more aware of alternative options available to them.



Dr. Karl Tomm

Prof. Dr. Karl Tomm ist als Professor, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und als Familientherapeut am psychiatrischen Institut der Universität Calgary seit drei Jahrzehnten tätig. Hier begründete er das „Family Therapy Program“, welches er bis zum heutigen Tage leitet.

Internationale Bekanntheit sowie zahlreiche Anerkennungen (u .a. Lifetime Achievement Award der American Family Therapy Academy) wurde Karl Tomm für seine Arbeit im Bereich der Familientherapie sowie für die Entwicklung innovativer Ansätze in Systemtheorie und klinischer Praxis zuteil. Er war einer der Vorreiter in der Entwicklung eines neuen therapeutischen Ansatzes, der auf systemischen, konstruktivistischen und sozialkonstruktivistischen Ideen basiert.

Dieser therapeutische Zugang stellt das „Gemeinschaftliche“ anstelle des „Hierarchischen“ in den Vordergrund und hebt den Sinn therapeutischer Konversation hervor, Probleme zu dekonstruieren und Heilung sowie Gesundung zu co-konstruieren.

Dr. Tomm ist einer der führenden Fachautoren zum Thema Familientherapie und Herausgeber zahlreicher einschlägiger Publikationen.

Links & Literatur

Ontario Association For Marriage & Family Therapy. Keynote Speaker: Dr Karl Tomm, University of Calgary: Opening Forgiveness and Reconciliation. 2012.

Tomm, Karl: Die Fragen des Beobachters. Schritte zu einer Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung in der systemischen Therapie. Carl Auer: Heidelberg. 5. Auflage, 2009.

Termine, Info und Buchung

Wien | Start: 25.09.2020
Systemische Interventionen und Narrative Methoden25.09.2020

Max. Teilnehmeranzahl: 15
Freie Plätze: 15
Status*: ausgeschrieben


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Privattarif pro TeilnehmerIn.
Gültig für Privatpersonen bzw. Einzelunternehmer/innen: 810,–

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Der Workshop wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.